Report a Bully

How do you stop bullying? Just by speaking up! 

If you or someone you know is a victim of bullies, tell your parents, teachers or another adult you trust. By letting other people know about it, you can help make sure it stops. The simple form below has been created to give you the ability to speak up!  We care about each and every one of you and firmly believe that everyone deserves to work and play in a safe, secure, and respectful learning environment. For more information, please refer to the St. Anthony of Padua Parent/Student Handbook.
Think before you speak:   Does what happened fit all 3 parts of the definition of bullying?  
  1. Is it repeated behavior?
  2. Is there an imbalance of power?
  3. Is the person acting mean on purpose?
What is Bullying? Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending him/herself.
The form below may be submitted anonymously; however, we strongly encourage you to use your voice and speak up for what is right.  It will also allow us to follow up with you to insure the issue is resolved.

Safe Voice Nevada

Students, parents and faculty throughout Nevada now have access to SafeVoice, an anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety or well-being of students. SafeVoice was established by the Nevada Department of Education under SB 212 in 2017 to protect student wellness, prevent violence and save lives. 

In partnership with the Nevada Department of Public Safety, the SafeVoice program provides students a safe place to submit tips concerning their own safety or that of others. A fully trained professional team of experts responds in an appropriate manner 24/7/365. Tips always stay anonymous.

Below is a link to the Safe Voice website and other resources:
Parent FAQ Sheet
How to Report


Nevada Suicide Prevention Resources

For information and resources pertaining to Suicide Prevention: